Thursday, 29 January 2015

food service industry

* the restaurant industry that have today actually started at france
*food service industry employs more than 12 million people in U.S and its the largest employer of ethnic group , minorities , women , worker with disabilities and entry level workers
history of food service :
* well run kitchen appear in europe
- certain phases of food service operations reached a well organized form as            early as feudal times.
example pf first country
* great britain
* france
* germany
* sweden
( all of these country had the most influence the food in america )
religious order
- abbeys established the first detailed accounting system
royal and noble household
- almost all of the kitchen staff were male
- discovery of food spoilage led to improved practices in food safety
- impact of travel
- stagecoach travel in colonial america
- hotel foodservice
- french cook shoops
- cafeterias born during the 1848
- automats appear in 1902 and the hamburger in 1904
- the impact of prohibition
- the impact of automobile
- soda fountains and coffee shops
- alice and willard start marriott corp
- the repeal of prohibition in 1933
- fast food starts in 1941
- mcdonald's  arrives
- 1905 bring coffee shops
- innovative marketing in the 60s and 70s
- economic downturn of the 80s
- concern of the 90s and beyond
- impact of the baby boom generations
colleges and universities
- tweifth century hostels
- colonial residence halls
- twentieth century changes
- cafeteria service
- other trends in residence hall dining
school foodservice
- early beginning ( 1849 )
- knowledge of nutrition ( 1900 )
- impact of then world wars
- impact of major legislation
   * national school lunch act of 1946
- 1980 enrollment decline
   * school food service switched from subsidized to self supporting
- management of school foodservice
- club and other social organization
- passage of the healthy,hunger free act of 2011
- eighteenth century " mush and molasses " menu
- nineteenth century improvement
- the beginning of dietetics
   * florence nightingale established a diet kitchen in turkey during the crimean war ( 1854 - 1856 ) to provide nourishing food to the ill and wounded
- one hundred year improvement
  * centralized tray service
  * establishment of dietary department
- improve efficiency and revenues
- technological advances
- influence of legislation
- establisment of QA standards
nursing homes
- development of nursing homes
  * federal funds became available for nursing homes with the passage of the social security act in 1935
  * 1974 federal condition of participation regulations required the service of registered dietitians
- skilled nursing facilities
- intermediate care facilities
health care centers
- mental health facilities
- physical rehabilitation facilities
- day care centers
- senior citizen centers
  * meals on wheels
* retirement residences and adult communities
* industrial and businessnfoodservice
* transportation companies
  - airlines
  - trains
  - cruise ships
status of foodservice
- almost 50 percent of meal consumed are planned,prepared,and served outside homes
factors growth
- the changing status of women
- the increasing number of single person house hold and the potential for people living alone to eat out
- an increase in the asian and hispanic populations has led to a decrease in the number of meals eaten away from homes
- more office jobs and contract foodservice in office building
- the awakened interest in health and well being
- shortage of qualified foodservice personnel
trend foodservice
- what,when,all where we eat is of vital interest to those in the foodservice industry
- hyper busy lifestyle continue to promote imterest in convenience
- some major trends affecting various areas of the market
  * family value marketing
  * value pricing
  * multiple branding
  * cool\chill method
  * upscales menus
  * branding
  * benchmarking
  * satelliting
  * comfort foods
  * home meal
  * replacement
  * meal solution
  * display cooking
  * in house
  * management
  * contarct foodservice
challenges fancing the industry
- economy
- building
- recruitimg and retaining employees
- labor cost

Catering System - System Approach -

      System concept is based on the idea that the organization build up from interdependent part that can achieve their goal,
there are 3 type food service industry first :

* commercial ( that can give profit )
* noncommercial ( do not give profit and their create their own food )
* military ( only in u.s.a because they have a biggest military system )






(School cafeteria)


(Military cafeteria)

The system concept can divided into 3 types first : 

* system (a interdependent part that work together to achieve a common goal)
*subsystem ( the interdependent part of a system )
* system theory ( the view of the whole system )

There are 4 types of food service operation first : 

* conventional ( buy raw food , prepared on site and served after preparation done )
* ready prepared ( cook\chill , cook\freeze )
* commissary ( central kitchen handle the food purchasing and delivery to off site )
* assembly or serve( fully prepared food are purchased )
had a brief history about the system theory :
- the classical approach management  said if all workers work together and perform well,the goal of the organization can be achieve
- the human relation found that social and psychological factor was also important to know the employee satisfaction
- the system theory emerged in the 60s and 70s is more on working environment and also relationship in the organization

Advantage and disadvantages of foodservice operation :

* Conventional
- control quality
- flexible in menu
- less freezer storage required
- stress working environment
- hard to make schedule workers

* Ready prepared
- reduction in labor cost
- improvement of quality and quantity
- need large cold storage and freezer unit
- need costly rethermalization ( heating ) equipment

* Commisary
- large volume food purchasing reduces cost
- effective and consistent quality control
- many critical point of food contamination
- specialized equipment and transport need

* Assembly\serve :
- labor saving
- lower procurement cost
- minimal equipment and space need
- high cost of prepared food
- limited availability of desired menu

Definiton of key system :
- resources such as money , material , time , information required by system
- the work performed to transform inputs to outputs
- the process required to change inputs to outputs
- finished products and service of an organization
- the same outputs may be achieved from different inputs or transformation processes
- information on how operation worked or failed should be changed to satisfied customers
- the self-imposed plan and legal document that can give impact the organization function
linking processes
- method use to unify a system
- the amount of disorder
hierarchy need
- characteristic of organization structure from subsystem to system to suprasystems

Suprasystems :
  • a larger entity made up of a number systems benefit of system thinking
  • effective problem solving
  • effective communication
  • effective on control
  • effective planning


Carts that use convection heating to rethermalize one side of the tray while the other side remains cold.

A blast chiller used to bring bulk food from cooking temperature to 37'F in 90 minutes or less.

One method of cook/chill food preparation using a pump fill station, tumbler-chiller, and cook-chill tank.

The functional subsystems of a traditional foodservice operation

The system model.